Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ah ha!

So this time it was only like two and a half weeks between entries. Not so bad! haha.

So life is progressing well, I'm at the 8 month mark of internship, and am still deeply in love with it. I began hardcore work on my project. I had a meeting last night with a lot of young adults, and they all expressed so much interest and offered all their help and ideas. So on May 17th, Salem Lutheran Church in North Minneapolis, will hold it's first ever, Hip-hop worship service. The theme is: "The Notorious G.O.D., the original gangsta."

No joke, we voted on it and everything. It sounded catchy, and let's face it God is the original gangsta. I'm excited. I think this is going to turn out really well, and I think I can get enough people involved, that it has the possibility of lasting beyond me. If nothing else, this will help me see what it takes to create a new thing in the church, implement it, collect feedback, and maybe hopefully even approve upon for use in my future ministry. Doing ministry in the inner city and creating something new is really what I feel called to do. Currently the ELCA only has one musical group (Agape) that is a hip-hop group that they support. I hope that I have the ability to connect the Lutheran concepts of grace and the gospel into hip-hop culture, in order to spread the news of the gospel, in ways people can connect to it.

As that is going well, and I've gotten opportunities to talk with many different pastors who are great resources, I'm looking into a lot of work for myself, but I'm game.

These next few weeks are going to be difficult though. Sadly but with hopefully some joy in the future for her, my roommate will be moving out on Monday. She got a job in Baltimore (which is the good part) and will be going there soon. It will be sad to part from each other, as we get along really well, and compliment each other in many ways. It will be weird to not hear her around the house, or know that she will be there when I get home, to not have someone to directly vent to when something is going on, and to not have someone to crack silly jokes with. We understand each other well I think, and have fallen into a groove that allows us to comfort each other, or provide what each other need in the support area. I'm going to miss her a lot. And I truly truly wish that she finds great joy in Baltimore and in her ministry there. She has so many gifts to offer, and I know she will shine brightly. I also hope that she finds a her there. She was my first friend here, she introduced me to all the people I now call friends, gave me a social life again, and got me out into the culture of the twin cities. I can never thank her enough for that. My whole year here would have been lonely, had I not met her. She's truly become a loving sister of mine. I would keep going, but I'm starting to get weepy, and I need to consolidate my crying, and try to be as supportive as I can of her for the next few days. She has a very special place in my heart, and all my love.

Besides, I'm totally coming to Baltimore to visit and eat lot's of crab! And then she and I can visit more of the places from the food network.

Well....that's all I got for now. I'm preaching this Sunday, on a text I preached last year, and had an awesome sermon for, so I'm going to go back and alter that one, and see how I like it.

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