Seminary Conclusions.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Books, Trips, Life.
So first of all I need to gush about a series of books, which I have fallen in love with, and have been fulfilling my Harry Potter needs. It's a series by Stephanie Meyer, about vampires, werewolves, love, high schoolers and the rainy west coast. It is Ah-mazing, and the next book is coming out soon, and then the first movie is coming out in August! I can't wait! So go out and read these books, I highly recommend them, although be prepared for some heart thumping, because they can be quite romantic and sad.

So read them!
Next thing, So Mpls, is treating me well, I've been busy with work, organizing VBS, preparing for a retreat trip with the HS kids and a few other churches in the area, as well as running a wed. night program. All in all, things are great, I'm having a lot of fun, getting to know the staff, doing a lot of things that I've only observed before, so it's nice to get that hands on experience, and also getting to hang out with kids, which we all know is a blast! It really reminds me of camp a lot, and it's nice to be in that director role again. So this weekend is our retreat to St. Olaf college, where we will be joined by two other urban churches. The focus is on sacred places, and we will be doing a lot with spoken word and rap. I'm really excited about it, the kids are going to have a blast, and they are already excited that there is a pool that they get to go in. :) Good times.
As life goes, things are good. I haven't had much time to explore more of the city, still kinda settling, getting used to the flow of life. It's been good though. I do miss all my friends and family though. Good news though, I'll be home in August for a week! So you all will have to arrange with me some time to see each other, because I miss you!
That's all for now, I'm going to try to keep this updated more regularly, and with more of the events that I actually organize and do. I'm sure there will be stories from this weekend. Blessings!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
That's right, I'm now here in Minneapolis. I am really enjoying it. The church is great, the staff is great, I'm excited about the opportunities here, and all I get to do. I can't wait to pick up my internship in August. This is really going to be a good year.I do miss everyone from the East Coast though. Love you all!
Labels: internship, minneapolis, people i love