Thursday, September 4, 2008

Painfully Palin

In her speech at the RNC on Wednesday, this is what Palin said, "And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

WHAT!!???!?! Now we bash community organizers? Who defines these actual responsibilities. I mean because if your responsibilities are to sit down and take money and meals from big oil, well then I guess she's right. However, if your 'responsibilities' are to care for the people of America, figure out their plight, work with them to create a better and sustaining life for themselves, well then she's just way off.

This is what I have to say, about just this comment. Palin, do you realize that over half of the social programing that occurs in the United States is done through community organizing? Do you realize that clergy are considered community organizers, and that the government gives community organizers money to do social programming that they cannot do themselves? You are a fool to think that you can make a statement like this, and not have repercussions. Do you realize what would happen if community organizers stopped working? There would not be food banks, shelters, empowerment for the poor, school programs, etc. Hell, you were on the PTA, looking for a better school system for your children, so you were a community organizer.

I see this statement as an arrogant and uninformed attack. How dare you say that you're job is more important then that of Martin Luther King Jr, who according to your theory, had no actual responsibilities, so I guess that means he was just a fool with a microphone. Sarah Palin, I hope you realize just what this country would loose without community organizers, and I suggest you start to back pedal quickly.

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At September 4, 2008 at 6:28 PM , Blogger JJ said...

amen sister friend!


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