Monday, April 16, 2007

Initial Post

First posts, are always the most difficult. Questions like, what do I put in here? What do I say? Do I give background information? or do I just jump right in? ...are swarming through my head right now.

First posts also seem to direct the direction of the blog. I want this blog to be thought-provoking, challenging, emotional, and emphasizing my faith and how it plays out in my life and the world. Doing such, I shall post sermons, theological reflections, and anything else that can possibly give you a deeper glimpse into how my faith has formed me.

These are simply reflections of who I am and what I am learning on this journey of mine. This will not be a dissertation, this will not be an attack on others beliefs. You are FREE to disagree with me, and in fact I encourage it. Conversation is meant to be had, thoughts are meant to be stretched, and yes even I can be completely off base with what I say.

My current life situation may be referenced, but I am hoping to avoid giving the sob story of the details of everything. This is meant to be an esoteric adventure, something of merit and education. But, I am human, sometimes I do just need to vent and divulge my emotional and vulnerable self. (Hey, its only natural and healthy).

On that note, let's get this adventure started....



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